Monday, 15 December 2014

Amazing Video:Meet Walter Joshua Fretz – A Human Being


This lovely and beautiful baby boy’s name was Walter Joshua Fretz, a true human being that was sadly miscarried. He made it to his nineteenth week before his birth and survived for just a few minutes. Those who are pro-choice frequently make the argument that they are only aborting a ‘clump of cells’ that do not even look like a human being. They are obviously incorrect.
Walter is that human baby you see on ultrasounds, the one that flutters within the the tummy, the one kid place their ears to their mother’s bellies to connect with. Walter, similar each of us when we were at his stage of life, was a genuine human being with a beating heart. His death was natural and no problem of anyone included. This cannot be said for the tens of millions of other children like Walter that could make it, that could join us on this wonderful and very beautiful planet we call home, if not for the human failing of intentionally caused abortion.

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